Monday, September 6, 2010

Matthew update and Samisms

Matthew has almost fully recovered from his bug bites. There are only faint marks on his head as reminders of the ordeal, although I think he's having mosquito nightmares as he's woken up every two hours at night since then. However, his sleep training is going well. He barely puts up a fight and is generally super tired by 7PM due to his lack of napping during the day. He is a turbo-kid. I'm a little apprehensive for when he starts becoming mobile. I thought I had to run after Sam a lot, but if Matthew's energy level at 4 month is any indication, he will far surpass Sam in the make-mom-round-around category.

Now for some Samisms.

Sam: "Avonda vonda vonda at car wash": Jason's interpretation: Avonda vonda vonda is a woman Sam met at the car wash and Mommy doesn't approve.

Jason: "Sam, what's your favorite breakfast?"
Sam: "French fries"

Sam: "Jason? Daddy? Jason?"
(since Sam started calling Jason Jason, we have decided to only refer to one another as honey, sweetie, sweetheart, schnookums, etc.)

Sam: "Mommy? Honey?"
Mommy: laughing...

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