Monday, September 27, 2010

Doctor's visit

I forgot to write about Sam's 2 year appointment which was last week. The worst part of the exam, at least according to how much Sam cried, was when he was weighed and had his height measured. You would have thought he was getting his shots, he cried so much during that time. When the doctor came in to talk to me and look over the little guy, Sam was like an angel, he was intently and quietly watching cars drive by out the doctor's office window. During his blood draw, he didn't make a sound when his finger was poked, and watched closely  as the nurse filled up the little tubes with his blood. He's never really seen blood before, so apparently it didn't scare him, nor did it hurt. He had two shots, which elicited about 20 seconds of crying. I cradled him afterward and remembered that he is still so young. When he's running around, jumping, playing, etc. he seems so big, and his language is pretty advanced, but when he's crying and his face is beet red and he only wants to be rocked, I'm reminded that his is just 2 years old.

Here are Sam's 2 year stats:

Height: 35 inches, 75th percentile
Weight: 27 pounds, 25th percentile

So today both the kids went down for naps around 12:30 or so. And I found myself somewhat resenting the fact that the house was a mess (imagine the toddler drag-and-drop), there was laundry to do, dishes to put away and bathrooms to clean (Monday is bathroom cleaning day), so I couldn't shower, read, or knit. I seem to have gotten into the mindset that nap time is my "break." But then I remembered that most people don't get 1-2 hour breaks every afternoon (except for teachers and the union pothole fillers in Minneapolis...just kidding about the teachers, prep hour is NOT a break). After all, staying at home with the kids is my JOB. I'm not just a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom for those of you who don't peruse mommy forums and message boards), I'm also a homemaker. That sounds so 1950s, but it's true. So I put on my cleaning gloves and got to work. This realization is an epiphany for me. Anyway, I just had to divulge this (during my 15 min. break) and now, back to work.

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