Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Some photos

I realize there has been a drought in the posting of photos, so here are a few recent ones. This one is from last week when it was chilly (in the 50s) and I put on the hat Matthew received at the hospital before we spent some time outside.

Also, since Matthew has been on a new sleep schedule (to bed around 6PM, up around 7AM with a few wake-ups and 2-3 naps a day, usually around an hour or more each), he's become a new man. He is so chipper these days, coming up with all sorts of new sounds and his attention span for things like the jumperoo have increased by at least tenfold. Today Matthew was working on his new sounds and Sam commented, "Donald Duck, sounds like." And he kind of did sound like Donald Duck.

Lastly, yesterday I went off with Matthew to change his diaper and when I returned, this is what Sam was doing. Note that he's not supposed to have a baboosh during the day, nor is he supposed to be in Matthew's bouncy seat. He is reading one of his current favorites, Construction Countdown.

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