Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A day in the life of a two-year old tyrant

Yesterday morning, Matthew was down for his morning nap, so Sam and I had some time to ourselves. I decided to get our dinner for the evening prepped as the evening hours are too hectic to actually prepare a meal. I was making Sesame Asian noodles and had to frequent the refrigerator for veggies, soy sauce, rice vinegar and other similar items. As I open the fridge, Sam swoops in and grabs the hot sauce and runs. "Bring that back!" I say, and receive a mischievous grin and he starts to run faster. After a brief run around the couch, I catch the little guy and replace the hot sauce. I have to retrieve another item from the fridge and this time, he swoops in and grabs two bottles of BBQ sauce and again runs. I am very confused by all this. Nearly daily, he manages to grab those three items and place them in various areas on our main level, or runs around with them while I try to catch him.

For lunch, I made pizza and Matthew was being an angel in the bumbo chair watching and chewing on one of his toys. I think he may be teething. I told Sam we were having pizza and he demanded "Apple Jacks!" Jason has introduced him to the wonderful world of kid's cereals. A few months ago, Jason told me that I could stop buying Coco Puffs, one of Jason's favorites. He was ready to move on to more grown-up cereals. But then a few weeks back there was a Kellogg's sale and I asked Jason what he wanted. He looked at the ad and said, "Frosted Flakes and Apple Jacks." So we had breakfast the other day and Sam had Raisin Bran, which I gave him, and Jason took out his flashy box of Frosted Flakes with the cartoon tiger. Of course, Sam started begging for that cereal instead. Silly Jason. To think that he could eat something different that what Sam was having and not have Sam want it too? You would think he was a new parent!

Back to the Apple Jacks request. It was denied, so the little tyrant ran over to the wine cabinet and starting touching the bottles (which is forbidden). Then he went to the loveseat, climbed up on it and started jumping (which is forbidden). He was removed from the situations and given a seat in the no no chair.

Fast forward to the evening. I was rocking Matthew before bed, around 6 PM and had closed his door so we could have some quality time together. I hear Sam running back and forth in the hallway outside, then I see the door handle jiggling. Oh no, he got it open. In runs the little tyrant, yelling and jumping. I whisper "Be quiet!" He starts playing with Matthew's crib music thing and can't quite reach it, so he climbs into Matthew crib, and starts jumping and running in little circles inside of it, then he belly flops in it and grabs Matthew's baboosh. I stand up from the rocking chair and with Matthew in one arm I yell, "Jason!!!" and grab the little tyrant out of the crib, whispering "no no!!!" I don't know why I whispered, as Matthew had already been startled out of his relaxed state by the little tyrant and being held on one side of my body while the squirmy tyrant was on the other side. Jason emerged and took the tyrant away and Matthew, the little angel, went right to sleep.

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