Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birthday party!

Sam and Grandma Sue in the birthday sandbox
We celebrated Sam's birthday with our families on Sunday. He seemed excited about his birthday and all the festivities, but was a little unsure of everything, perhaps a little overwhelmed. When we unwrapped presents, he immediately commanded "open" when faced with trucks and other items wrapped in plastic and cardboard packaging. When he received a book, he took it over to our ottoman and flipped through it before returning to open another gift.

I broke down and bought him John Deere plates and napkins. I initially thought I wouldn't because I figured he wouldn't notice and it would be a complete waste of money, but they were on sale. When he awoke from his nap on Sunday and saw the plates on the counter, he got very excited and flipped through the stack of plates and has asked for the tractor napkins and plates at almost every meal since his party.

He received a birthday cake set (Melissa and Doug) from Ken and Cheri and has taken it out periodically these past two days and sang "Happy birthday to you" (he sings the first line over and over). He also received many trucks and various ones have gone on our outings with us or Sam has held while on the potty. I'm not sure what his favorites are as he seems to play with all of them frequently. Jason built him a sandbox and we've enjoyed early evening playtimes in the sandbox.

Sam in training
As far as potty training goes, it is still going. My favorite line from today, "Mommy, I'm dripping! I'm dripping!"

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