Thursday, September 23, 2010

Five accidents

Well, we've had five accidents this morning and four relate to spilled drinks, only one relates to a miss for the potty. Sam hardly spills his drinks anymore these days, but he's wearing a large sweatshirt today so I believe the sleeves are catching his drinks when they're too close to the edge of the table or counter. He usually causes spills because he tries to put things in his drink, like his cereal, or french fries, or whatever food item strikes him as interesting to put into his drink.

Regardless, it sure is nice to have to get out the mop for spilled drinks versus other spills. Although Sam hasn't had much in the way of potty spills lately, he also hasn't done much on the potty. He holds it for a long time. This morning he told me a few times he had to go, then we went and sat on the potty and he just couldn't produce. I guess it's normal for little ones to be unable to relax and not perform the appropriate bodily function at the right time. It's a learning process and we are still learning.

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