Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Throwing rocks

Something really funny happened this morning, but Jason's exact words were, "That's not going on the blog" so I'm afraid I will have to write something else. Interested persons can direct their inquiries to Jason.

On our daily walk we go on a paved trail which goes alongside a marsh/pond. At one point, the trail cuts through the pond. Small rocks line the trail on both sides. Yesterday I decided to stop and let Sam throw rocks into the pond for the first time. We got out of the stroller and Matthew and I sat along the side of the trail. Sam walked to an area 10 feet from where we were sitting and picked up a handful of rocks. He then made his way back to us and started throwing the rocks into the pond, with giggles and excitement with every splash. He seemed to be throwing mostly with his left arm and holding the rocks in his right hand. When he'd run out of rocks, he'd make his way back over to the area 10 feet from us and repeat the pick up, walk back and throwing process. Why he didn't just bend down and pick up the rocks immediately beside us is a mystery. There were plenty of rocks around us and they were the same all along the trail. I didn't ask questions, but I'm sure Sam has his reasons. We played with the rocks for about 10 minutes, then made our way up a really big hill to the playground near our house.

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