Saturday, September 18, 2010

Potty training

We started on Thursday. Sam went right into underwear, no "pull-ups" which are really just expensive diapers. Here's the tally so far:

Day 1, Thursday: 5 hits, 10 misses (only 3 misses required cleaning up, the rest were contained by the underwear)

Day 2, Friday: 2 hits, 3 misses (Sam was in a diaper for the evening as we had a wedding to go to and didn't want Ken and Cheri, who were watching the kids, to have to deal with messes). Sam "held it" from 7AM until about 11:30AM. He was walking around with his legs tightly held together in typical "I have to pee" fashion, but refused to go until I loaded him up with Kool-aid. The kool-aid was supposed to be a treat for his birthday party on Sunday, but he was obstinately refusing milk and water (his normal drinks) in addition to refusing to potty.

Day 3, Saturday (so far...): 4 hits, 2 misses (both misses were contained by the underwear). We have  made a turn in our training. Sam has asked to go potty twice this morning. Previously, I would put him on the potty every 30 minutes or so and see if he had to go (we're still doing that), but he's actually told me ahead of time, then we go to the potty. Wow. And Sam pooed in the potty (which is also a big step), but he scared himself. When he saw what he had produced, he started crying. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.

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