Friday, September 10, 2010

Sleeping issues

So Matthew has been having some problems at night lately. Although our going to bed routine is going ok, he's been waking every 2 hours most of the night, for most of the past few weeks. Last night he cried from 2-3:30AM. It wouldn't seem so difficult if he hadn't already been sleeping 6-8 uninterrupted hours for the two months prior, but that's all changed. On top of that, he's hardly napping during the day at times. Now it's time to get serious. I'm reading the book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, and it recommends putting the child to bed sometime between 6-8PM, whenever they show early signs of tiredness. I guess I thought that 6 was too early, but according to the author (who's a sleep researcher), it's not too early for little ones. Matthew began showing signs of tiredness around 5 tonight. So instead of waiting for the magical 6PM to roll around, we started his bedtime routine around 5:30ish and by 5:40 he was asleep. And he's still asleep. We'll see how it goes.

Sam started showing signs of tiredness around 7, which I thought was too early for him too. But it didn't take hardly any convincing to get him up the stairs for his bedtime routine and now, at 7:17PM on a Friday night, both kids are in bed sleeping. Amazing.

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