Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mosquito bites

Last night a bunch of mosquitoes got into the house. Unfortunately, we didn't realize it until Jason woke up in the morning and found one of the doors open. Ugh. Our front door doesn't latch properly and it must have come open during last night's storms. Sam's bedroom door was closed, so I wasn't concerned about him getting a bunch of bug bites. Our bedroom door was mostly closed, although my wrist was itching last night and I was suspecting some uninvited insect guests. But poor Matthew, I leave his door wide open at night so I can hear him without using a monitor. So I was imagining a Matthew covered in bug bites, and sure enough, when I went in to get him in the morning, his little face had four bug bites on it. On the back of his head, there are at least four more. So little Matthew got eight bug bites overnight. He seems to be doing fine, but I feel so sorry for him when I see the little red marks covering his precious head.

CORRECTION: I did a closer count of Matthew's mosquito bites, as they're becoming more pronounced as the day goes on. He has 10 on his face and at least 10 on the rest of his head. Poor kid. He's been trying to itch the ones on his forehead so they're getting worse too. Still smiley, though.

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