Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brotherly love and potty time

Tonight Sam and I were sitting on the couch. I laid Matthew between us and he was watching Sam very closely. He seems to pay a lot of attention to what Sam is doing. So I told Sam to look at Matthew and play with him. Sam then stuck his toes in Matthew's mouth and started laughing as Matthew tried to suck on them. I told Sam, "No, talk to him." Then Sam leaned over about 1 inch from Matthew's face and said "Talk, talk, talk." Matthew was smiling and cooing, so he didn't seem offended by Sam's attempts at play and conversation.

Fast forward about 20 minutes. It was time for Sam's bath, so I ran the water and got him undressed. As Sam was climbing into the tub, he said "Potty." Uh oh. I was prepared for anything. He stood up for a few seconds, looking down at his private parts, then he started peeing. Thinking back, Sam has peed quite often upon stepping into the tub. So he knows he has to go, and apparently waits until he is in the tub and pees. Maybe its time for some serious potty training. If he can hold it for the bath, I think he can hold it until he's on the toilet.

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